Available Products

The Conscious Money Collective

The Conscious Money Collective is for you if you're a heart-centered entrepreneur ready to create your own version of financial success by addressing your brain, your body, and your bank account. 

If you've been looking for an expert to help you navigate investments and insurance, if you've been feeling dysregulated around a new money normal, if you know exactly what you want to be doing with your money and are ready to start taking action, this is for you.


A 6-Month Financial Liberation 1:1/Group Hybrid for Entrepreneurs

The D Word: Healing Your Debt from the Inside Out

The debt program that addresses all parts of you, from soul to strategy.

Investing Unlocked

I've taken everything I've learned from my 10+ years working in financial planning and distilled it down to the fundamentals - the things you MUST know in order to be successful in investing. I've also made it super fun and way more interesting (think pre-learning dance parties and super-relevant examples). Together, we'll learn about mindset blocks that are preventing you from getting started, I'll hold your hand as we open up your investment account and select your investments. I'll teach you how often to look at your numbers and when to actually take action and trade. You'll walk away with the skills to preserve and grow your wealth - skills that will be with you for LIFE.

What's included: 

Module 1: How to get in the investing mindset - overcoming blocks

Module 2: Why to invest - finding your own why

Module 3: Different types of investments

Module 4: What is diversification and why is it important

Module 5: What are Mutual Funds/ETFs/Index Funds

Module 6: What to look for in an investment

Module 7: Types of investment accounts & TAXES

Module 8: Where to put your money based on when you need it

Module 9: How to know if you're putting away enough & planning for retirement

Module 10: How to maintain your investment strategy for the long term

Chillax Tax Planning

This workshop goes over my easy breezy strategies for thinking about, planning for, and paying taxes as a business owner.

A Rich Life Spring

Create a spending plan for your money that aligns with your values and your goals (and that you won't have you feeling constrained or in scarcity). Explore tools and practices to add richness to your life while allowing you to actually spend less money. Put systems into place to care for yourself now and in the future (future you deserves self-care too!). And build in the flexibility and safety net for the ebbs and flows of life.

Purposeful: A Year-End Money Planning Workshop

Spending a little time at the end of the year to get your money in order can pay HUGE dividends. This workshop will go over the 5 must-do money year-end money tasks covering topics like taxes and philanthropy.

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